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News: Departments

The Enemy Within

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Mike Janowski was prepared to fight for his country. He had just graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in May 2014 and was stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia, his first duty assignment. Soon, he would find out the foe was in his body. Janowski, then 23, had just completed his first week […]

Lives Restored

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Looking over his chickens at his home in Tompkinsville, Kentucky, Jerry Ford says taking care of this energetic brood is what kept his spirits up after he had facial reconstructive surgery at Vanderbilt two years ago. As an HVAC technician Ford often crawled through cobwebbed spaces, so he thought an irritated spot on his right […]

Virtual mapping for facial reconstruction

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

In the past, traditional craniofacial reconstruction allowed little pre-planning; surgeons had to decide exactly where they would cut while they were in the operating room. Now, through the use of virtual surgical planning (VSP), physicians can plot out surgeries in advance. One of the first steps in a facial reconstruction is to run computed tomography […]

What is a Reconstructive Plastic Surgery?

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Reconstructive plastic surgery is actually the oldest form of plastic surgery, having developed from the need to treat soldiers with traumatic injuries in World War I. Reconstructive plastic surgeons go a step beyond making someone look good; they restore form, function and health to bodies, and usually have a large impact on a patient’s quality […]

Types of Breast Reconstruction

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Reconstruction of the breast falls into two main categories: implant-based and tissue-based reconstruction. With all reconstruction surgery, there are follow-up procedures to build or better define a nipple, as well as to refine the breast shape and to address any incisional scarring. The Vanderbilt Breast Center offers several types of plastic surgery operations that can […]

Review highlights financial impact of sarcoma misdiagnosis

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Malpractice awards and settlements are eight times greater when physicians misdiagnose sarcoma than when they make other mistakes, according to a review of 32 years of court cases. For orthopaedic surgeons, the indemnity payments were 17 times higher. However, primary care physicians were more apt to be sued. The review is the latest effort by […]


Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Sarcoma crept into their lives in different manifestations. An aching hip, a bump on the shoulder, a swollen leg. A rare cancer that materializes in bone or soft connective tissue, sarcoma is a decoy disease. It can pop up in virtually any area of the body. Its symptoms vary according to the location of the […]

An uptick in new drugs and clinical trials for sarcoma

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) has launched seven clinical trials for sarcoma drugs since 2015, with three of those opening up for participants as recently as August 2016. “We are in great need of novel therapies,” said Scott C. Borinstein, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Pediatric Sarcoma Program at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. […]

A Helping Hand

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Imagine trying to navigate an unfamiliar Medical Center with appointments sprinkled across numerous buildings, often on different days of the week. Now add a cancer diagnosis, and the emotions that come with that, and traversing unfamiliar surroundings becomes infinitely more difficult. Your life has just been turned upside down and there’s much to do. There […]

A commitment to better care

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

The five-year CMS Oncology Care Model will provide treatment following nationally recognized clinical guidelines for patients undergoing chemotherapy, with an emphasis on patient-centered care delivered in a timely, coordinated manner. The services may include: Coordinating appointments with providers within and outside the oncology practice to ensure timely delivery of diagnostic and treatment services; Providing 24/7 […]

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