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News: Mia Levy

From Good to Great

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

“You have cancer” are three of the most difficult words any patient will ever hear. A diagnosis of cancer sends patients into a bewildering, emotion-laden world filled with unusual tests, unpronounceable medical terms, and the need to make a number of decisions, including where to get care and how to ensure that the care is […]

The Waiting Game

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Bomar Herrin, M.D., never missed a workout. At 58, he was averaging 16 pull-ups, punching the speed bag and doing the grueling P90X exercise program. But during his regular weightlifting routine in July 2009, Herrin felt something snap near his right shoulder. Drawing on his 30-year career as an emergency medicine physician, he thought he […]